Solar Repair & Electrical Services Austin, TX – SolarFIX Electrical Services

PetersenDean Filed for Chapter 11: Solar Protect is Here To Help


What Happens if My Solar Company Goes Out of Business?

What happens when your solar company goes out of business depends on your installer. Here is how each situation might affect you.

Large, national-scale installers

When a large solar installation company shuts down or goes out of business, another company in the clean energy space usually comes in and acquires the remaining assets and takes over solar support for their existing customers.

For example, when Sungevity declared solar company bankruptcy in 2017, Sunrun acquired all of the existing solar lease agreements, so SolarFIX became the service provider for Sungevity customers, ensuring their continued solar service.

SolarFIX’s Solar Protect

Depending on the size of the company, when a local solar installer goes out of business, sometimes larger clean energy companies will come in and acquire the existing customers. In this case, the acquirer assumes responsibility for all services promised to the customer, and you get a new provider to maintain and service your solar power equipment like your original installer would have.

However, not all small-scale solar companies find a willing buyer, and even if your original company gets purchased, you might not like working with the new company. In this case, you can look for a solar operation and maintenance (O&M) plan that offers long-term solar maintenance and support. Or, you can find a company to hire as issues arise. At the time of this writing, Palmetto offers that support in Southern California, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Texas in and around Dallas. (Offerings may change over time.)

If your solar company goes out of business, previous provider will continue to service and repair your solar energy system, just like your original installer would have, so you shouldn’t need to worry about getting solar support when needed.

If your solar installer goes out of business, you may still have a warranty that covers potential issues with your equipment. Solar Warranty work can be tricky to manage, but a SolarFIX provider can negotiate with the solar equipment manufacturer on your behalf, saving you a headache and, maybe, a bit of money.

Are you a Petersen-Dean Customer in Need of Service?

By going through Chapter 11, any workmanship warranties provided by Red Rose Inc, dba Petersen-Dean may be void. What are your next options? If PetersenDean’s but has used high-quality components, then it is likely that the manufacturer’s warranty will cover the cost for new parts if you’re still under warranty. 

Contact SolarFIX about Solar Protect

However, in most cases, labor is not covered. You will have to get another solar company to replace the malfunctioning components. Unfortunately, you will be responsible for the cost of the labor to repair. And swap out the old broken solar components. If you are in need of solar repair components, or looking to add to your existing systems, give SolarFIX a call about Solar Protect. We have helped hundreds of customers whose solar companies are no longer in business get their system up and running. 

Maintenance Includes:

✔ 5 Year EXTENDED Workmanship Warranty (w/ yearly assessment)

✔ FREE Yearly Solar System Assessment ($295 Value)

– Full System Inspection

– Assessment Report

– 1 Hour of Service

Our technicians have been trained to address minor issues on the spot, while for more complex problems, you’ll receive detailed options and recommendations to ensure your system operates at its best.

Monitoring Includes:

✔ 24/7 monitoring

✔ Monthly Monitoring Reports

– Get Alerts! – If anything goes wrong, we will notify you with a game plan!

✔ VIP Priority Service

– Get scheduling priority over non-SolarFIX Protect Member

Perks Includes:
✔ Exclusive 10% Discount ALL products and services we offer

– Potentially saving you thousands!

– Save on Off-Grid AC, System upgrades, Repairs, Battery Backups & more!

✔ Exclusive deals and promotions only for SolarFIX Protect members!

✔ Loyalty Points (+10 points each month of active monitoring)

– Spend points on service calls, cleanings, batteries, generators and more.


Concerned About Petersen-Dean Bankruptcy? Contact SolarFIX about Solar Protect Today to Explore Your Options and Protect Your Solar Investment!



Solar Fix Electrical Services have been in the Solar and Electrical industry for 10+ years.

We have seen just about every solar inverter, solar panel, or solar racking system out there and have the skills and tools necessary to fix your solar problem professionally and affordably.

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We look forward to helping you with all your Solar Repair, Removal and Electrical Services.

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