Solar Repair & Electrical Services Austin, TX – SolarFIX Electrical Services

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What to do when your solar company closes: Titan Solar Power

If you haven’t heard, another solar giant Titan Solar Power has gone the way of the Dodo. The closing of huge solar companies leaves a lot of homeowners scratching their heads wondering what to do now? Having a solar energy system installed is exciting and empowering. It contributes to a more sustainable future and results in substantial long-term savings amid soaring energy costs, especially when incorporating energy storage by installing solar batteries. Plus, solar can significantly increase your property value.

However, when your solar installer goes out of business or leaves your state, that excitement can be replaced with uncertainty and frustration. Such is the case for the customers of many solar companies, including PetersenDean, Sungevity, Pink Energy, American Solar Direct, and most recently, Kuubix Energy, all of which went bankrupt.

These unfortunate customers are often called “solar orphans.” They can be homeowners, businesses, or non-profits.

What to Do If Your Solar Company Goes Out of Business

Solar orphans are left to wonder:

  • How will I get my solar panels serviced?
  • What happens to my warranty?
  • Where do I go from here?
  • What if my solar installation is incomplete?

These are valid questions that we are often asked here at SolarFIX Electrical Services. We’ve helped hundreds of solar orphans regain control of their solar energy systems, ensuring that the promise of sustainable, cost-effective energy remains a reality for them. If you’re wondering what happens if your solar company goes out of business, you’re in the right place.

Why Many Solar Companies Go Out of Business

Like any other industry, the solar industry sees frequent newcomers and departures. However, there are a few specific factors that lead businesses to leave the solar industry.

Common Reasons Include:

  1. Shoddy Installations: When companies grow too fast, they often face installation issues. It is much easier to ramp up sales than it is to ramp up quality installations.

  2. Poor Customer Service: Poor customer service leads to poor customer experiences, resulting in negative online reviews which impact a company’s ability to drive new sales.

  3. An Unsustainable Business Model: Some solar companies focus on rapid growth, which can be challenging to maintain due to seasonal variations in solar demand.

  4. “Fly-by-Night” Solar Companies: Fly-by-night solar companies overcharge customers by reeling them into contracts with bad terms and often disappear before completing jobs or repaying debts.

How SolarFIX Can Help

At SolarFIX Electrical Services, we specialize in taking over and completing solar projects that were abandoned by other companies. Whether your system is partially installed or fully installed but not yet energized, we have the expertise to bring it to completion and get it up and running safely and efficiently.

Why Choose SolarFIX Electrical Services?

  • Years of Experience: With extensive experience in the solar industry, we have successfully completed numerous solar projects, ensuring reliable service and expert installations.
  • Positive Reviews: Our customers consistently praise our professionalism, quality of work, and customer service. We have built a solid reputation for reliability and excellence.
  • Licensed, Bonded, and Insured: SolarFIX is fully licensed, bonded, and insured, providing you with peace of mind and protection throughout the entire process.
  • Expert Technicians: Our team of skilled technicians is trained to handle any solar project, ensuring that your system operates at peak performance.
  • Comprehensive Services: From maintenance and repairs to completing unfinished installations and energizing your system, SolarFIX offers a full range of services to meet your solar needs.

Are You in Texas?

If you live in Texas, SolarFIX Electrical Services is here to help you regain control of your solar energy system. With our expertise and a proven track record of successful solar projects, we are your reliable partner. Get in touch, and we’ll be glad to maintain and optimize your solar system.

In Conclusion

If being stranded by a solar company has left you wary of solar installers altogether, we understand. SolarFIX Electrical Services is here to help you enjoy the full benefits of your solar panels over the long term.

Put your energy needs in good hands by choosing SolarFIX Electrical Services. That way, you’ll avoid being a solar orphan again years down the road.

If you’re in Texas, be sure to request a free quote from SolarFIX Electrical Services. We’ll follow up promptly so you can get back up and running with solar! Contact SolarFIX Electrical Services today for a quote and let us help you enjoy the full benefits of sustainable, cost-effective solar energy. Visit our website at  to schedule your consultation. Your reliable solar solution is just a call away!




Solar Fix Electrical Services have been in the Solar and Electrical industry for 10+ years.

We have seen just about every solar inverter, solar panel, or solar racking system out there and have the skills and tools necessary to fix your solar problem professionally and affordably.

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